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Basic Research

Trying to understand the problems faced by the common people of the city. These problems vary from traffic, stray animals, segregation of waste, cybersecurity and more.

Understanding Waste

The first challenge was to understand waste on both macro and micro levels. This led us to understand the types of waste. The basic waste generated in our city is solid food waste, e-waste, industrial waste, automotive waste and plastic waste. The other form of invisible waste is the menace of pan spits, wrappers and cigarette buds.

Stakeholder Analysis

The basic idea is to understand the roles of individuals in society at both Macro and micro levels. 
In the second phase, we tried understanding various loops and their possible feedback. The first feedback was generated from various interviews of the people at home, college, office building and other organizations. 
This stage is both research and ideation working in looped cycles. The causal loop provides the complexity of the problem and the feedback loop provides the possible scenarios and ideas for the causal problems. 


The basic idea was to understand the consumption patterns of an individual, home, office, society, malls and city as a whole. These consumption patterns provided us with the data of the basic problems faced by one and all. These problems affect some people more than others and so are their implications. The first series of ideas was based on creating a database to increase the AQI of the city by planting more trees while keeping biodiversity in mind. The second was to provide information and linking people on creating compost from biodegradable waste at homes and offices. The third was to create a habit pattern amongst individuals on keeping the city clean, by providing motivation and information. 
These ideas were further explored using the concepts of the society and impact of religion and religious symbols. 
The introduction of using more public transport systems and carpooling, recycling, vegetable cubicles and an informal economy based on recycling.


This was the basis for creating the application for the waste management system and a feedback system for the trash problem in society. 
The first idea was to create a community of individuals that awarded people following the norms of collecting waste, making compost and cleaning the city. 
The second idea in the storyboard was to track the consumption data and provide the individual with information on their carbon footprint, exchange possibilities, progress gamification, their commute modes and feedback loop from the social media community. 


All of the data collected in the previous stage was converted into a wireframe, this provided us with the basic knowledge of the possible user interface for the application. 
We chose the name for the application as Re-live. The colors chosen were vibrant and peppy and easy on the eye. The next stage we created the icons, buttons and basic flow of the application. 
The prototype was created on Adobe XD, this provided us with the freedom of creating our own virtual world. 

Key Takeaways

The right to clean air, water, and land is a fundamental right of all. This right is an important aspect of any and every free society. 

Cleanliness | Adobe XD | System Design