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Tennis Moovz

Basic Research

The first step was to understand what are my core interests and where to channel the energy. It started with the understanding of my long history with sports and my love for it. I started to hunt for ideas and different types of sports. 
I started by digging into the history of modern sports and the role of the industrial revolution in its expansion and modernization. The initial ideas were compiled into one core game, the game of tennis. I have played the game while growing up, and it held a special place in my heart. 
The significance and the importance of tennis, the history of the game, the history of racket, tennis ball and the overall evolution of the game. 

Primary Research

The primary goal was to understand the Micro and Macro problems that tennis players face. The present scenario of lockdown laws passed by various countries across the globe and in India provided an added motivation. 
The primary goal was to understand various players, their daily routines followed by these players. I interacted with various players from professional players to amatures. 
The follow-up to this research was spent in understanding the mechanics of the game. This part included the basic understanding of training, what are the different regimes and why they are followed. 
The last part was spent in understanding the reason why a player gets injured and what are the most common types of injuries. The impact of these injuries and how these injuries can be reduced during practice. 


To create a practicing equipment for tennis players that can help them practice in the physical absence of a coach.

Initial Ideation

The first step was to burst these ideas with a quick brainstorming session. I took the help of various players, coaches, mentors and my guide. The first step was to place all of the information in search of the What, Why and How of the device. 
The series of discussions and to and fro of sketches and discussions with the aforementioned list of people. This allowed me to understand the problems that are faced by the students and understand the game better. In the meantime I started playing the game in regular intervals, this provided me with a fresh perspective. I was able to focus as well as broaden my horizon at the same instant. 

Secondary Research

The first set of research and ideation allowed me to understand the needs of the players, this was the time to understand the business end and conduct a market analysis. I followed the cycle of traditionally used devices and their pros and cons. The next step was to look at the market of technologically advanced devices and their impact on the game. 
The next step was to take design interventions and take a step back from the proceedings and look at the various possibilities. I fixed my eyes on a set  of devices that can help a player feel like playing with an opponent. I tried researching the existing market for the devices that do simulate such an effect. 

Focused Ideation

At this stage of ideation, I started to focus on the ideas revolving around the focused vision “To create a universal training equipment that is 360-degree intuitive design.”
This stage involved me sketching the ideas and creating a basic roadmap. The ideas were very clear in their objectives, they involved around versions of a wall. The focused perception allowed me to concentrate on the ideas and ask the right question to the players and coaches on what would be an ideal training device. 


The initial set of ideas finalized through the funnel of focused vision provided me with three specific sets of prototypes. The first stage I tried recreating an idea revolving around a spline surface, the initial prototype. I was also trying to understand various materials and material forms and its effects on the prototype. 
The second phase of prototyping involved taking the inputs from the first models user testing outcomes and combining it with the focused vision. 

Initial Testing

The initial phase of testing involved understanding the properties of various materials, the impact of shape on the performance of the players. This stage I took the prototype to various players at the tennis academy and asked them their suggestions and ideas of the product. 
Based on the observations, understanding and focused vision, I created parameters that will help in making this device a 360-degree intuitive player’s assistant. 


In the final stage I started by creating a scale model with metal wires. This provided me with the confidence to create the views and later the dimensions of the final production model prototype. The technical drawings and the instructions for the assembly of the prototype.
The next phase was to finalize the materials for the choice of joineries, metal frame, fabric and the back net. 
The initial development process involved cutting, welding, grinding and making holes on the piece of sheet metal tube. The second stage was cutting and sewing the fabric and the net.

User Testing Reviews

The final user testing reviews have provided much-needed elation at the end of a six-month-long journey, the product achieved the initial set of promises it set out for itself. The product was tested and reviewed by players, coaches and novices. They all were able to play their game and understand various strokes, footwork and wrist positions.

Design Process | Product Design | Material Exploration